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-------------------------------------------------- 自己反省 (ROSH HASAHANA)・祝福と贖い(YOM KIPPUR)2017年
1. Are you worried that something is hindering your destiny ? あなたのディステニー(神があなたに用意された人生)を何かが妨害していると思っていますか? strong>2. Do you want restoration and redemption of things you have lost in the Past? 過去に失ったものの回復と償いを望んでいますか? 3. Do you want to be justified by God, of all your Past mistakes by activating the blood of Jesus? 過去のすべての失敗にイエス様の血の力を活用し、神様から義とされたいですか? 4. Do you think that you might have been under a curse that needs to be broken? There is hope for you. もしかすると自分は打ち破る必要のある呪いの中にあると思っていますか?それなら、あなたには希望があります。 5. Have you ever thought that there might be reasons why most of the things you started in life never get consummated? あなたが人生で始めたことのほとんどがうまく行かないのには理由があると思ったことがありますか? 6. Do you want God’s covering, and protection for your life, job, family, etc for the next one year? We are inviting you to come and spend the “10 Days of Awe” and the day of Atonement, together with us これから一年、あなたの人生、仕事、家族、その他に神様の覆いと守りが欲しいと思いますか? それなら、「畏敬の10日間(償いの日)」を私達と共に過ごすようにあなたをお招きします。 We will be having a time of deep repentance (starting from the 20th of September) on a daily basis for 10 days, this will be followed by a celebration of our redemption and justification by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ from all that has and could stand and hinder our destiny on the 30th of September 2017. 私達は、2017年9月20日から9月30日までの10日間、毎日悔い改めの時を持ちます。 これは主なるイエス・キリストの血により、私達のディステニーを妨害しているものを除き、私達が義とされ、回復されることを祝う前に行うことです。 It will be a blessing if you can join us in entering into the Jewish and Biblical New year - The year 5778. Come, and bring down the blessings upon your life 聖書のユダヤ歴で、新年にあたる5778年を私達と共に迎えることはあなたにとって祝福となるでしょう。 あなたの人生に祝福がもたらされるように、どうぞお越しください。 日時: 2017年9月20日から9月30日までの10日間、毎日 19時〜 場所: フェイス&ビクトリー国際教会 神奈川県横浜市西区南幸2-16-20 オーチュー横浜ビル9階 連絡先: 045-479-5060 email: ippn@gospel.co.jp http://www.gospel.co.jp Date: From September 20th 2017 (Wednesday) to Sept 30th 2017 Time: starting from 19:00 Only on the 30th we start 18:00 Place: Faith and Victory International Ministries, Yokohama Address: 2-16-20 Minami Saiwai, Nishi-Ku, Yokohama-Shi Ochu Yokohama Building 9F Contact: 045-479-5060 Email: ippn@gospel.co.jp Http://www.gospel.co.jp Click HERE for the FLYER -------------------------------------------------- Christmas Party & Worship -------------------------------------------------- Get ready everybody!!! Miracle crusade in Japan, with Apostle David E. Taylor on August 12th to 14th 2016, at Nakano Zero Hall. Come with your problems, and Jesus Christ will fix it for you!!!. It is going to be an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Face to Face with the Lord Jesus is come to Japan already. We are going to continue to grow powerfully in this end-time glory. It is not an anointing, it is the glory of God visiting the people of Japan face to face (What the anointing cannot do, the glory, and presence of God will take care of!).
------------------------------------------------- Give generously towards the successful hosting of Apostle David Taylor meeting.
Account No. 1 --------------------------------------------------- David Taylor Miracle Crusade meeting planned for Yokohama on the 13th and 15th of May 2016 is cancelled. --------------------------------------------------- Get ready everybody!!! Miracle crusade in Japan with Apostle David E. Taylor on May 19th to 21st 2016 at Nakano Zero Hall. Come with your problems, and Jesus Christ will fix it for you!!!. It is going to be an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Face to Face with the Lord Jesus is come to Japan already. We are going to continue to grow powerfully in this end-time glory. It is not an anointing, it is the glory of God visiting the people of Japan face to face (What the anointing cannot do, the glory of God will take care of!). Do not be left out of this!!!! Deuteronomy 5:4 "At the mountain the LORD spoke to you face to face from the heart of the fire." (New Living Translation) "The LORD spoke to you face to face from the fire on the mountain." (King James Bible) The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire. Your host is Dr. Naoki Atanda (Psy.D), and Committee members of David Taylor Miracle Crusade Japan, with Dr. Okuyama Minoru as the Crusade Chairman. Get ready, King Jesus is paying another visit to Japan!!!! OVERSEAS MINISTRY page Now Updated. Click Here REV. GWAJIMA IN JAPAN PASSOVER CELEBRATION COME, LEARN RECEIVE AND CELEBRATE VICTORY OVER SICKNESS, DISEASE AND POVERTY SPECIAL GUEST: REV. JOSEPHAT GWAJIMA View Poster Date: Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 (Public holiday) Time: 14:00-18:00 Venue: Kanagawa-ken Yokohama-shi Nishi-ku Minami Saiwai 2-16-20 Ochu Yokohama bldg. 9F Telephone: 045-479-5060 ABOUT REV. GWAJIMA Rev. Gwajima is a humble man of God that is being tremendously used in the Tanzania. His Church keeps growing and knows no bounds. Over 200 dead has been brought back to life through the ministry of this wonderful man of God. The gift of working of miracles is always in operation as the spirit leads. We therefore want to encourage you to come together with your friends, and family members as we spent time praying for our nation and then receiving from this wonderful man of God. The Word of God will go forth, miracles and healings will go forth, there will answers to financial problems, in addition there will deliverance for our Nations too. ジョセファット・ガジマ師来日 過ぎ越しの祝い どうそ、いしょうに病気、貧困や病に対する勝利を祝う 特別 メセージ: ジョセファット・ガジマ師 日時: 4月29日祝日 14:00〜18:00 会場: 神奈川県横浜市西区南幸2-16-20 オーチュー横浜ビル9階 電話: 045-479-5060 詳細はHPをご確認ください。 ジョセファット・ガジマ師について タンザニア、ムワンザ市生まれ。4歳の時に事故により脊椎損傷し、 10歳で全身麻痺に。寝たきりで6年間過ごし、医者に死を宣告されるも、 夢でイエス・キリストに出会い、全身麻痺から奇跡的に癒やされて クリスチャンになる。2001年より4つ目の開拓教会として、 単立 Glory of Christ Tanzania Church をダルエスサラームに開始する。 現在教会メンバーは2万6千名、牧師達は100人に至る。 子教会はタンザニア国内に15教会、国外に8教会。 「よみがえりの力によって、世界に到達する」をモットーに、 (徹底した弟子訓練と霊的闘いを通して、)教会は今も急成長中。 癒やしや奇跡が顕著で、死からよみがってきた人達は200名を超える。 40歳。グレース夫人、3人の子ども達とダルエスサラームに在住。 EASTER SERVICE Venue: Faith and Victory International Church Time: 14:00 to 16:45 Address: Kanagawa-Ken Yokohama-shi Nishi-Ku Minami Saiwai 2-16-20 Ochuu Yokohama Build. 9F Date: 2014/4/20 YOU ARE WELCOME イースター礼拝 場所: フェイス&ビクトリー国際教会 住所: 〒220-0005 横浜市西区南幸2-16-2 オーチュー横浜ビル9階 日時: 2014/4/9 時間: 14:00〜 皆様を待ちしております END OF YEAR ALL NIGHT PRAYER You are invited to join us for our End of Year all Night Prayer Meeting Let us usher the New Year in in His presence!!! Prophecy concerning the New Year, Prayer, Testimonies, Music, and Bible Message Venue: Faith and Victory International Church, Yokohama (5 Mins From Yokohama station West Exit) Address: Christmas Service at Ochu Yokohama Building 9F 2-16-20 Minami-Saiwai Nishiku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-Ken Time: Christmas Service Starts 22:00 - 3:00am Date: 31st December 2013 (Tuesday) Telephone: 045-479-5060 新年を迎える徹夜祈り会 2014年を神様の前で迎えましょ!!! 祈り、新年に対する預言、証、音楽、メッセージ 場所: フェイス&ビクトリ国際教会 住所: 神奈川県横浜市西区南幸2-16-20 (横浜駅西口 5分 徒歩) 日日: 31日12月2013年 (火曜日) 時間: 22:00から3:00 連絡先: 045-479-5060 Join us for our Christmas Concert and Christmas service クリスマスコンサートとクリスマス礼拝のお知らせ Christmas Service Venue: Faith and Victory International Church, Yokohama (5 Mins From Yokohama station West Exit) Address: Christmas Service at Ochu Yokohama Building 9F 2-16-20 Minami-Saiwai Nishiku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-Ken Time: Christmas Service Starts 19:00 Date: 25th December 2013 (Wednesday) Telephone: 045-479-5060 クリスマス礼拝 場所: フェイス&ビクトリ国際教会 住所: 神奈川県横浜市西区南幸2-16-20 (横浜駅西口 5分 徒歩) 日日: 25日12月2013年 (水曜日) 時間:19:00から 連絡先:045-479-5060 CONCERT Venue: Concert at Totsuka Station East exit open square Time: Concert Starts at 14:00, ends around 18:00 Date: 23rd December 2013 (Monday - Public Holiday) Participating artist and Groups: Shining Light Gospel choir, DaySpring Gospel Choir, Divas, Rod Ross, Kevin Coutney Telephone: 045-479-5060 コンサート 場所: 戸塚駅広場 - 東口 時間: 14:00時から 日日: 23日12月2013年 (月曜日 休日) 参加: ディバス、シャイニングライトゴスペルクワイヤー・ DaySpring ゴスペルクワイヤー、Rod Ross, Kevin Coutney 連絡先: 045-479-5060 DAVID E. TAYLOR in Japan 18th International Prayer and Prophetic Network Meeting THE BLESSINGS OF PRAYER James 5:17 King James Bible Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. The word like-passion means similar or of equal rank, feelings or affections, meaning that the word-Passion, here is used to refer to Elijah's nature as a human being. Meaning that he did what he did stopping the rain from falling for 3 and a half years, not because he was a prophet, or a super human, but because he, as a human being has learnt to embrace the necessary discipline needed to overcome those human feelings, affections, and emotions that stops most of us from praying to get result. We therefore want to encourage you to come and put this discipline into practice by joining us to pray for the nations of the world, on the 16th, of September, 2013. Elijah knew how to pray and get result even for national issues, not only prayer for his own personal life. Date: Monday, September 16th, 2013 (Public holiday) Time: 14:00-18:00 Venue: Kanagawa-ken Yokohama-shi Nishi-ku Minami Saiwai 2-16-20 Ochuu Yokohama bld. 9F Telephone: 045-479-5060 For further details, please click here
AND WORSHIP SERVICE Shining Light and DaySpring gospel choirs will like to invite you to a memorial concert in honor of our friend and music Director Elyan Harry Paul Dixon Date: Tuesday, August 13th, 2013 (Obon holiday) Time: 13:00-18:00 Venue: FAITH & VICTORY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH Kanagawa-ken Yokohama-shi Nishi-ku Minami Saiwai 2-16-20 Ohchu Yokohama bld. 9F Telephone: 045-479-5060 Program • Prayers • Worship • Message • Music featuring Ray Kirkland, Frank LeGree, Shoko & kayo, Kamiyama and others fura-dance (Word of life Yokohama) Shining light & Dayspring • Testimonies about Elyan For further details, please visit http://www.gospel.co.jp/en FaVic is looking for a new hip-hop dance teacher! 16th International Prayer and Prophetic Network meeting! Join us in praying for your nation and other nations of the world. We focus on praying for the nations of the world, please come in person or send in your prayer topic for your nation. Date: Monday, April 29th, 2013 (Public holiday) Time: 14:00-18:00 Venue: Kanagawa-ken Yokohama-shi Nishi-ku Minami Saiwai 2-16-20 Ohchu Yokohama bld. 9F Telephone: 045-479-5060 For further details, please visit http://www.gospel.co.jp/en/ippn_prayer_request.php a) Next IPPN Our next IPPN prayer meeting for Nations of the world will be on the 15th of July 2013 Date: Monday, July 15th, 2013 (Public holiday) Time: 14:00-18:00 Venue: Kanagawa-ken Yokohama-shi Nishi-ku Minami Saiwai 2-16-20 Ohchu Yokohama bld. 9F Telephone: 045-479-5060 For further details, please visit http://www.gospel.co.jp/en/ippn_prayer_request.php IPPN is a prayer Network of Bible believing believers. A non-denominational, boundary crossing, Christ centered prayer network that identifies with Christians of all class, status and national boundaries b) Our next Gospel Live concert Gospel Joint Concert in Totsuka Station Date: 2013/9/23 (Monday, Public Holiday)Time: Concert starts 14:00 Place: Totsuka Station Special Guest: Divas Ministering are Shining Light and DaySpring Gospel Choirs Song list
Mighty God Contact: 090-9813-3545 |
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Kanagawa-ken Yokohama-shi Nishi-ku Minami Saiwai 2-16-20 Ohchu Yokohama Bldg. 9F | Tel:045-479-5060
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