Leadership Training Program
Leadership Training Program
主はふり向いて彼に言われた、「あなたはこのあなたの力をもって行って、ミデアンびとの手からイスラエル を救い出しなさい。わたしがあなたをつかわすのではありませんか」 士師記 6:14
Then the LORD turned to him and said, "Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!" - Judges 6:14
There is that ability on the inside of you waiting to come forth and propel you into your role as a leader. You only need to know what God has given you and how you can tap into it.
With the proper training you can rise to the top, and answer your call to be a leader in whatever field God has called you into. Leadership training program is the time we usually get into the scriptures using some textbooks to study on becoming a leader. We start just about 16:00 every Sunday just after the worship before the preaching for the day.
毎週日曜日の15時から礼拝が始まり16時頃からはテキストの流れにそってリーダーシップについて学びます。テキストはアウサー・フランク・ダマジオの“Timothy Training Program”(テモテの人生をもとにしたテキスト)です。教科書にのっている事だけでなく色々なたとえ話や説明も添えられている、わかりやすい学びです。
We Start 16:00 Every Sunday