Thank you for visiting this website. We hope that going through it, you will be able to understand our vision, and passion. We also invite you to participate in what we do. We also hope that you will be able to pick one or two things that can encourage you to move forward in life from this website. Remeber, you are never alone, and no matter what life throws at you, you can still make it. You are unique in your own way; there is a divine plan and purpose for your life. Always remember not to worry about anything, let not your heart be troubled; things are going to turn around to be good, because your life is not a coincidence. Past mistakes are not even strong enough to prevent you from getting to where you belong. This is the gospel truth. Have a safe surfing.



Faith and Victory ministries is a dynamic ministry called and anointed by the Lord Jesus Christ to reach our generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Also, to motivate and teach believers to live holy and bold for God, and to know their rights in Christ Jesus so that they can live a victorious and successful Christian life. This call is being obeyed and fulfilled today through the anointed teaching ministry of Pastor Adebayo. Aimed at; raising and training people who have the call of God to occupy one of the fivefold offices to be able to fulfill the ministries to which they have been called; helping the saints to grow matured and equipped, and edifying the body of Christ so that the church which is His body might develop until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the (full and accurate) knowledge of the son of God, enfolded in love, that we might grow up in everyway and in all things into Christ who is the Head, (even) Christ (the messiah, the Anointed one).- Ephesians 4:11-15

Establishment of day care centers for Children, as a means of reaching parents are part of what we care called to do. By having seminars in schools, and other public places, we seek to help the general community in bringing sanity to the ever expanding chaotic understanding and insanity about sex and sexuality, especially among the youths.

We are also involved in meeting the material needs of developing nations by sourcing and recycling materials from nations with abundance and excess and then transferring, and distributing them to nations that do not have enough.

Through counseling, seminars and lectures we also support parents who are having problems with child rearing


Music involvement

Music is so important in our daily lives that its importance cannot be under estimated. Music heals, music uplifts, music builds and strengthens us.
Not only is music important here on earth. Heaven was the original abode of music.
Good music came from God in heaven down to we human beings. Every good thing is from God, and gives life, that is why it has been found that music produces a calming effect.
Research found that shell shocked soldiers after the World War II, after listening to music were able to experience lower blood pressure, increased body’s production of certain hormones, and endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers. Therefore part of what we do at Faith and Victory International ministries is to help people discover how they can give back to God through worship, and how they can give to humanity through music. This is why we have established our gospel choirs, the shining Light gospel choir, and DaySpring gospel choir to help train people on how to sing.


Church Planting

We are involved in planting churches as the Holy Spirit directs us. Since this is the last days we believe that the enemy, our adversary the devil, is working overtime to get more souls to hell through his seducing spirits and doctrine that demons teach - I Tim 4:1. On the other hand God has also promised that in the latter days He will pour out His Spirit upon all mankind- Acts 2:16 and that the glory of the latter will be greater than that of the former- Haggai 2:9. Also, in John 4:35 Jesus tells us that the harvest is ripe and ready to be harvested, as we preach the Word of God souls will be saved because the harvest is ripe already. The saved souls however have to be properly fed and brought up in the knowledge of Christ. Church planting is one of the ways to provide an adequate place of fellowship to cater for those who are saved and to get them fully connected to the Lord Jesus Christ by getting together with other Christians, and also, to get them equipped and become productive (so that they can also occupy till He comes- Luke 19:13) before the return of our Lord and risen savior Jesus Christ.


Christian Publications is so vital that it importance cannot be overemphasized. The Holy Scriptures has been made available to us through publishing. We are truly blessed to have the Holy Bible to ourselves whenever we need them? Though in some countries where people are still been persecuted for their faith having their individual bibles is difficult. On the contrary, in many countries in the world today you can have your own personal bibles without any confrontation. According to the Bible, there came a time when the "Word of God" was rare in Israel- I Sam3:1- The result of the Word of God being rare was that the people were not able to live in accordance with the Word of God, there was no proper knowledge of the true God - hence gross misconduct and filth as Eli's children went to the extent of polluting the temple with their unholy acts.
Through publishing, the Word of God could be made available to as many as possible. We believe that through the proper knowledge of the Word of God we can cure any form of ignorance resulting from lack of knowledge due to lack of proper and sound teaching of the Word of God, thus paving way for the return of the master to meet the church without spot or wrinkle as promised in the Holy Scriptures.
          Working hand in hand with other anointed men and women of God that have impacted our generation for Jesus, and promoting their ministries by translating their teachings into the Japanese language and making their materials available to the English community is another way we spread the gospel here in Japan.








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