Many people who go to Church often wonder if going for psychological or clinical counseling is acceptable. What do you think about going for psychological counseling? Some people are ashamed of the shame and stigma that follows when people know that they are going for psychological counseling. However, this is no reason for us not to go for counseling when the need arises. As part of the challenges that arises with advanced technology, a fast paced lifestyle, busy schedule, the need to work harder in order to live below poverty level, and other needs to cope with the challenges of life increases stress, which in turn affects us in different ways, including psychologically. Just like we visit the doctor, the same way we should feel comfortable with visiting competent counselors/therapists, and psychologists when the need arises.

On the other hand Christians that goes to Church often wonder if there is the need to visit a secular counselor or therapist. It is true that it is beneficial to have a therapist that understands your religious beliefs. However, there are certain extremes that need to be addressed. Some people see all psychological disturbance as demonic (something caused by the devil and evil spirits). While in a general way we understand that sin and the devil is the root of all problems, we cannot just ascribe the cause of all psychological distresses to the devil. Some people are taught that, rather than go to a competent therapist or psychologist; all psychological problems must be taken to their pastors for solution. While I believe that most Pastors are excellent and competent in counseling, however, not all Pastors are clinically trained to help with difficult clinically related psychological stresses that may need clinical counseling.

Some have argued that it is better to pray and get healed by the power of God, rather than go for clinical counseling outside of the Church. While the writer believes in the power of God for healing, and in the operation of the gifts of the spirit, it is important to know that the gifts of the spirit operate as the Spirit wills. The question is why do some people go to the hospital and not wait for God to heal their sickness always? Yet they go to the doctors,when they do not see their healing manifest, even those who believe in supernatural healing.

The simple answer is as stated above, the gift of the Holy Spirit, operates as the Spirit wills, further more, doctors are not God's enemies, they are working together with God to set humanity free from death (which is the primary work of the enemy), pain, and disease. The same is true of clinical therapists and counselors. It is also important to add that not everyone is on the same spiritual level when it comes to receiving healing from God supernaturally. Someone who has not developed his faith or grown up spiritually to receive his/her healing supernaturally needs to be helped one way or the other until he/she grows up to be able to do so.

Of course there is the need to address the fact that some of the finest psychologists that have been produced in the history of humanity were anti-God. However, this does not necessarily make all therapist anti-God (We had so many therapists in the past who also believed in God). Actually, more often than not, it is difficult just to treat someone in therapy just by focusing on his/her physical problems alone. It is obvious that man has to be looked at wholesomely before he could be helped, and this includes looking into the belief system of our clients. So rather than throw the baby away with the water (that is classifying going for clinical counseling as an abberration), it is important when we talk about going to see a therapist that we factor into our consideration therapists that understands our belief system. When this is done, counseling can produce one of the most beneficial results for mankind, irrespective of our spiritual orientation.

Clinical Psychology Based Counseling

Providing solution and counseling to all relationships, marriage, divorce, company, spiritual and other problems. Do you feel hopeless, wearied, worn out, stressed, unfocussed or hurt? It is okay, we are here for you, there is always a way out. Welcoming all - students, housewives, businessmen, no matter who you are there is a way out. All you need to do is to get in touch with us.
Consultation for All Mental Disorders

Mental disorder

Schizophrenia, Manic-Depressive, Depression


Obsessive-compulsive,disorder,Hypochondria, Hysteria, Morbid fear

Personality Disorder

Delusion,Anti-society,Narcissism,Dependency, Evasiveness


PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), Panic disorder, ADHD (attention defect attention deficit hyperactivity disorder),Dependence syndrome (alcohol and medicine), Eating disorder (binge eating and anorexia), Gender identity disorder


Failure in relationships,Couples, Divorce, Spiritual

For Reservations call

TEL: 045-479-5060




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