Variety Night
Variety Night
Every Friday
Psalm 42:1-2
2)わが魂はかわいているように神を慕い、いける神を慕う。いつ、わたしは行って神のみ顔を見ることがで きるだろうか。1 As the deer longs for streams of water,so I long for you, O God.
2 I thirst for God, the living God.
When can I go and stand before him?
This is a time of refreshing in the presence of the Lord. After the day's hard labor, most people are already drained. The whole challenges of the week are often compounded by the end of the week. That is why we gather together at this hour just to sit under God. Worship the Lord, sing praises, give testimonies, share from the Word of God, operate in the gift of the HolySpirit as we are led. It is a time of the demonstration of the power of God. This is an ideal time to come for healing. So we encourage you to join us this time every week
We Start at 7:15 and close around 21:00.
From 19:15 to 21:00 Every Friday